Και αναρωτιέμαι, εμείς ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΜΕ σαν χώρα???
Εμείς τους πληρώνουμε¨ αδρά¨ για να διαφημίζουμε την Ελλάδα,(βλέπε spots σε ξένα κανάλια, σε μετρό – underground, Τύπο κλπ) και αυτοί μας ¨θάβουν¨ από πίσω!!!
Υπάρχει υπουργείο Τουριστικής Ανάπτυξης??
ΠΟΥ είναι ο ¨Αρούλης¨???
-Τι κάνεις μπάρμπα?
–Κουκιά σπέρνω!
Θα τρελαθούμε τελείως!
"41 British women raped in Greece this year!"The number of women from the UK raped on holiday in Greece has hit a disturbing all time high. Forty-one rapes have been reported so far this summer, making the Mediterranean hot-spot the most dangerous place for women. A police official in Athens said: "This figure is the worst ever. At this rate, it will break all previous records by the end of the holiday season.
By Mark Dowdney, Daily Mirror
“Greece will have the unenviable record of having the largest number of British rape victims, both in real terms and in proportion to the number of British holidaymakers.” There are more reported rapes in Greece, which gets three million UK tourists a year, than in Spain, which attracts 17million. It means the risk of rape in Greece is five times higher than in Spain and higher than anywhere else in the world. Police said the men responsible were mostly drunken UK males, followed by migrant workers from Eastern Europe, then Greek males. They admit the problem could be much worse because many women are too ashamed to report an assault. An officer said: "Only an average of one in four women rape victims come to us and report it." The shocking rise has alarmed consular officials who help the distressed victims. They said there were 39 rape cases last year, compared with 17 in 1998. The Foreign Office launched a campaign last month with posters, postcards, beer mats and leaflets in Greek resorts popular with Britons. Six thousand plastic stoppers were handed out to prevent drugs being slipped into people's drinks bottles. The campaign also warned women "rape drugs also work in non-alcoholic drinks such as coffee and tea". On the islands of Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Kos and Zakinthos, students handed out leaflets on beaches. But one official said: "We are very disappointed that the campaign does not seem to have had much effect so far." Greek police said British women seemed to be particularly vulnerable to sexual assault compared with other foreign visitors. They pointed to their excessive drinking and accused them of being too trusting when befriending strangers and accepting lifts. They added that Greece, unlike Spain, has expanses of deserted beaches to which they can be lured. The shock figures come after a Foreign Office report this week revealed an increase in the number of Britons arrested overseas. There were 4,603 arrests in 15 top holiday destinations last year, a rise of 15.6 per cent. Arrests in Spain went up by a third. On Zakinthos, yobbish behaviour has become so bad the mayor has complained to the British ambassador. 500%: HIGHER RISK OF RAPE FOR UK WOMEN IN GREECE THAN IN SPAIN 15.6%: RISE IN ARRESTS OF BRITONS ABROAD ON LAST YEAR, TO A TOTAL OF 4,603.
By Mark Dowdney, Daily Mirror
“Greece will have the unenviable record of having the largest number of British rape victims, both in real terms and in proportion to the number of British holidaymakers.” There are more reported rapes in Greece, which gets three million UK tourists a year, than in Spain, which attracts 17million. It means the risk of rape in Greece is five times higher than in Spain and higher than anywhere else in the world. Police said the men responsible were mostly drunken UK males, followed by migrant workers from Eastern Europe, then Greek males. They admit the problem could be much worse because many women are too ashamed to report an assault. An officer said: "Only an average of one in four women rape victims come to us and report it." The shocking rise has alarmed consular officials who help the distressed victims. They said there were 39 rape cases last year, compared with 17 in 1998. The Foreign Office launched a campaign last month with posters, postcards, beer mats and leaflets in Greek resorts popular with Britons. Six thousand plastic stoppers were handed out to prevent drugs being slipped into people's drinks bottles. The campaign also warned women "rape drugs also work in non-alcoholic drinks such as coffee and tea". On the islands of Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Kos and Zakinthos, students handed out leaflets on beaches. But one official said: "We are very disappointed that the campaign does not seem to have had much effect so far." Greek police said British women seemed to be particularly vulnerable to sexual assault compared with other foreign visitors. They pointed to their excessive drinking and accused them of being too trusting when befriending strangers and accepting lifts. They added that Greece, unlike Spain, has expanses of deserted beaches to which they can be lured. The shock figures come after a Foreign Office report this week revealed an increase in the number of Britons arrested overseas. There were 4,603 arrests in 15 top holiday destinations last year, a rise of 15.6 per cent. Arrests in Spain went up by a third. On Zakinthos, yobbish behaviour has become so bad the mayor has complained to the British ambassador. 500%: HIGHER RISK OF RAPE FOR UK WOMEN IN GREECE THAN IN SPAIN 15.6%: RISE IN ARRESTS OF BRITONS ABROAD ON LAST YEAR, TO A TOTAL OF 4,603.
Το άρθρο από εδώ: http://www.xpatathens.com/news/18649
4 σχόλια:
Είχα ακούσει ένα γιατρό που είχε πει ότι οι 8 στις 10 καταγγελίες που γίνονται από Βρετανίδες είναι ψεύτικες για να πάρουν αποζημίωση από την ασφάλεια.
Άσε που πολλοί βιασμοί με ή χωρίς εισαγωγικά γίνονται από τους ίδιους τους Άγγλους και εκεί βέβαια μόνο υπάρχει ευθύνη αστυνόμευσης.
Φίλε rider!
Το κόλπο με τους βιασμούς είναι παλιό και το γνωρίζουμε καλά εμείς οι άμεσα εμπλεκόμενοι!
Στην δεκαετία του 80 γινόταν κάτι αντίστοιχο με κάμερες,βίντεο κλπ, τότε που ήταν ακριβά στην Ελλάδα, τα πουλούσαν εδώ σε εμάς και τα έπερναν(πίσω μετά) και απο τις ασφαλιστικές τους εταιρίες!!!!
(σαν απολεσθέντα, με μία απλή δήλωση τους από την αστυνομία)
Τώρα αν δούμε κάποια στατιστικά στοιχεία όσον αφορά την εγκληματικότητα, αυτού του τύπου(στις τουριστικές περιοχές) στις μέρες μας θα δούμε ότι είναι εισαγόμενη από αυτές τις χώρες!
Το θέμα είναι εμείς τι κάνουμε???
Άμεσα εμπλεκόμενοι,... εννοώ στον τουρισμό, βέβαια!!
.......Κεκτημένη ταχύτητα!
Ο Άρης Σπηλιωτόπουλος ειναι προϊον αυτής της κυβέρνησης, που όταν δεν παράγει ανία και ανικάνοτητα παράγει γέλιο, το μονο κακό ειναι οτι με το γέλιο δεν ήρθε ποτέ κανενας τουρίστας.
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